
Lang Lang cancela su gira por Asia con la Filarmónica de Berlín

Así, lo ha anunciado la propia orquesta. El pianista chino Lang Lang, que lleva ya meses recuperándose de un fuerte dolor en el brazo, se ha visto ahora obligado a cancelar su gira por Asia con la Berliner Philharmoniker, debido a las persistentes molestias. Yuja Wang y Seong-Jin Cho sustituirán al intérprete.
Este es el comunicado de la orquesta: 

Lang Lang very much regrets that he is forced to withdraw from his upcoming guest appearances as a
soloist in concerts with the Berliner Philharmoniker in Berlin, Frankfurt am Main and on a concert tour of Asia. He needs to allow additional time to recover fully from a tendinitis of his left arm. We hope Lang Lang gets better soon and look forward to him appearing with us as a soloist in the future.

We are grateful that the young Korean pianist Seong-Jin Cho has agreed to step in for him for the concerts in Berlin, Frankfurt, Hong Kong and Seoul. We are also grateful to Yuja Wang, who will step in for the concerts in Guangzhou, Wuhan, Shanghai and Tokyo.

Foto: Sony.